
Send a plain Text Message

Sending a plain text message is really simple. Just call the sendTextMessage() function on the Mitter.Messaging instance and pass a channel ID and text payload.

                    forChannel: "rakfT-XPdJb-WsucS-Pxy4B",
                    "Hello from iOS!"
                ) { result in
                    switch result {
                    case .success:
                        print("Message sent!")
                    case .error:
                        print("Couldn't send message")

Here you can specify the channel ID that you got while creating a new channel in the previous step.

Run the project and it should send out a new message to the channel.

Get messages in a channel

You can get messages sent to a particular channel by calling the getMessagesInChannel() and passing in the channel ID:

appDelegate.mitter.messaging.getMessagesInChannel("rakfT-XPdJb-WsucS-Pxy4B") {
            result in
            switch result {
            case .success(let messages):
                print("Messages: \(messages)")
            case .error:
                print("Couldn't fetch messages")

Run the project and you should be getting a list of messages printed to your console log.

Last updated