Basic Setup

Before you can start communicating with Mitter using the SDK, it needs to be configured with your application ID and user auth token.

The best place to configure a global Mitter object is inside your AppDelegate.swift file.

Open up the AppDelegate file and declare an instance field for the Mitter object, like this:

var mitter: Mitter = Mitter(applicationId: "")

After you’ve done that, locate the function with didFinishLaunchingWithOptions signature and initialise your Mitter object with your application and user details like this:

mitter = Mitter(
            applicationId: "MZzf4-na9nL-O98wq-M1HxS",
            userAuthToken: "eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJtaXR0ZXItaW8iLCJ1c2VyVG9rZW5JZCI6IkhYbkZJSXIydUpQRHMzankiLCJ1c2VydG9rZW4iOiJhaHFtNTgzcjRwbzEwZmNqZTllaHE5dDV1NCIsImFwcGxpY2F0aW9uSWQiOiJNWnpmNC1uYTluTC1POTh3cS1NMUh4UyIsInVzZXJJZCI6ImNzckN5LVNKTDN1LThBS01ULVdxdjZ5In0.FTgn0GBgIQrA0NznQEUHyC7SN7rbN9O9cWlI5mejuDG466VSJHjwGWZF2DB3nsn8eoeCg5toIXXh5Sxz2MMU3w"

The user token is enough to help the SDK figure out the user ID. Therefore, you don’t need to explicitly add the user ID. You can get the application id and token from the dashboard.

Using the SDK with containerised

If you're using the docker container, then you need to override the default API endpoint in the SDK, as follows:

mitter = Mitter(
            applicationId: "MZzf4-na9nL-O98wq-M1HxS",
            userAuthToken: "eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJtaXR0ZXItaW8iLCJ1c2VyVG9rZW5JZCI6IkhYbkZJSXIydUpQRHMzankiLCJ1c2VydG9rZW4iOiJhaHFtNTgzcjRwbzEwZmNqZTllaHE5dDV1NCIsImFwcGxpY2F0aW9uSWQiOiJNWnpmNC1uYTluTC1POTh3cS1NMUh4UyIsInVzZXJJZCI6ImNzckN5LVNKTDN1LThBS01ULVdxdjZ5In0.FTgn0GBgIQrA0NznQEUHyC7SN7rbN9O9cWlI5mejuDG466VSJHjwGWZF2DB3nsn8eoeCg5toIXXh5Sxz2MMU3w",
            mitterApiEndpoint: "http://localhost:11901"

Last updated